
Gallup Strengths NZ Profiling

Achieving excellence is more about maximising strengths than fixing weaknesses.

We provide CliftonStrengths tests, debriefs and workshops.


Often formal workplace assessment and less structured feedback and coaching have a deficit approach, focusing on areas of weakness or underperformance. Extensive international research shows that only 21% of employees strongly agree that their performance is managed in a way that motivates them to do outstanding work.

There is another way. Employees who have received strengths-based development are found to have up to 18% increased performance and those who are given opportunity to use their talents and strengths are 6 x as likely to be engaged in their jobs (Gallup 2021).

How we think about work is changing. CliftonStrengths offers employees the development they increasingly want and employers the engagement and performance they the need.


Strengths Tests / Assessments

We provide online CliftonStrengths assessments for individuals and teams. Simply contact us to learn more or organise yours. Find out what your Top 5 Strengths are or learn about your 34 Strengths.


Strengths Debriefs and Workshops

For individuals, we provide a Strengths Debrief to help them translate their talents and strengths into workplace effectiveness.

For teams, Our Strengths Workshops bring each person’s Strengths to life for the team and explore how the team can best use the Strengths of its members.

For managers and leaders, our Your Strengths Team sessions guide you to understand and leverage your team’s Strengths to lift their performance.


CliftonStrengths and leadership related insights..