5 Big Reasons Your Organisation Should Invest More in Teams

In today's fast-paced, often disrupted, environment organisations are facing a host of challenges, from increased competition and global uncertainty, to rapid technological and social change.

This environment, known as a VUCA world (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity), requires organisations to be more agile, adaptive, and resilient than ever before. Old ways of tackling uncertainty and challenge based on hierarchy and control are increasingly falling short.

One of the key ways organisations can meet these challenges and succeed is by leveraging the power of teams. Teams are the context of individual effort and the link of that effort to organisational goals. Teams bring together individuals with diverse skills, perspectives, and experiences to work together towards a common goal. They are a pooling of talent, experience and resources. There are a host of reasons why teams are a vital forward-looking strategy. Here are five major reasons your organisation should almost certainly invest more in teams.


First, teams are a vehicle for greater diversity of experience, thinking and solutions. When a group of people with different backgrounds, perspectives, and skill sets come together they are able to generate a wider range of ideas and solutions than any one individual could alone. This diversity of thought is essential in a VUCA world, where problems and challenges are often complex and multifaceted. 


Second, teams foster greater ownership and accountability. In a high-performing team, individuals have clear roles and hold each other accountable for performing in those roles and achieving individual and team goals


Third, teams inherently bring greater flexibility and adaptability. When a group of people work together as a team, they are able to quickly adapt to changing circumstances and pivot as needed. When change is constant, this ability to adapt and respond quickly is crucial for success.


Fourth, teams have greater potential for innovation. When individuals come together to form a team, they are able to combine their unique skills and experiences in new and innovative ways. This can lead to breakthroughs and new insights that would not have been possible if the individuals had worked alone. As innovation becomes mandatory teams are more necessary.


Finally, teams allow for greater resilience. Teams are able to support each other and share the burden of dealing with stress and uncertainty. This can help to reduce burnout and increase overall job satisfaction. When pace and uncertainty are constant, this sense of support and camaraderie is essential for maintaining both mental and physical well-being.

These are the most obvious reasons to invest in teams. But many organisations struggling to shift from individual to truly team-centric ways of working. For an entertaining but insightful look at how high-performing teams behave have a look at this short video … Team Building Lessons From Geese.

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